Celebrate the Earth-Su Podraza-Nagle, LUT guest speaker

Midweek Faith Lift

April 26, 2023

Celebrate the Earth

Su Podraza-Nagle, LUT


Earth Day, a day to celebrate this beautiful planet we call home. We honor and celebrate the mountains, the air we breathe, the skies, the sands, the water, along with the plants, animals, and humans.

“Everything that exists has Being, has God -essence, has some degree of consciousness. Everything is alive. The sun, the earth, plants, animals, humans,-- all are expressions of consciousness manifesting as form.” -  Eckhart  Tolle

In  Genesis 1:26 we are given dominion over all of this… the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.’ That means we have a responsibility to care for and nurture all that lives upon the planet and the earth itself.   

While we are only caretakers of the earth, we know that how we treat the earth makes a difference. We do our part by caring for and respecting creatures great and small. Day by day, we are mindful of how our actions affect the earth and its inhabitants.

The history of Earth Day

Celebrating Earth Day dates back to 1970, when Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson organized a national event aimed at raising awareness around important environmental issues like factory waste disposal and air quality regulations. More than 20 million Americans participated in the first Earth Day. While it started as an American effort, Earth Day is now recognized by 193  countries around the world as of 2023.

We as humans, in group consciousness, raised our awareness of a need to protect and become better stewards of this planet we walk around on.

Let’s go deeper.

In the Revealing Word, the word “Earth” metaphysically speaking represents the consciousness of the physical body. The human body, with its physical and spiritual attributes comprises a miniature Garden of Eden. According to the Revealing Word, “When man develops spiritual insight and in thought, word and action voluntarily operates in accord with divine law, then rulership, authority, and dominion become his in both mind and body. “The kingdom of God is within you.”

Our body temple is an outer expression of the Garden of Eden. Our primary work in the earthly consciousness is to use our creative power to preserve harmony and order on this earth.

Have we taken care of ourselves? Have we fed ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually? Are we loving ourselves to the fullest and then spreading that care, that love to other Beings of consciousness? Are we bringing “the Kingdom of God” which dwells within us to the forefront and expressing it outward?

The Earth is a reflection of how we as a human collective live.

What does that look like? We all try to live intentionally and respect our earth both physically and metaphysically. I think we can agree we still have some evolving to do.

Here are a few evolved conservationists:

Doug and Kris Tompkins-  In Patagonia South America, Bought up 2.2 million acres of land to restore as much land as they could, improve and protect it, and then returned it to the people and country as public, national parks.

Li Quan -is a well-known conservationist who developed the process of rewilding. Quan believes animals thrive when left alone in ideal habitats. To that end, she works to create set-it-and-forget-it sanctuaries.

Diane Fossey – Remember Gorillas in the Mist?

Gaylord Nelson- Not only did he create the first Earth Day but he also wrote legislation that created a network of national hiking trails and helped preserve the Appalachian Trail. 

Greta Thunberg- When she was 8 years old, she first became aware of the problems relating to our climate and environment. She continues conservation efforts today.

These are large scale conservationists.

What can we do?  We start small. We go within and make sure we are mentally, physically and spiritually fed. We create our Garden of Eden within.  We can then move to the outward and join conservation efforts. Get a group together and adopt a highway here in Iowa. If you’re a hiker or a camper, take a trash bag and pick up trash as you go for walks. Plant wild flowers for flyers. Plant trees for climbers and flyers. As for the creeping things that creep, choose to use organic fertilizer for your garden. You can also bring your own bags when grocery shopping to eliminate plastic bag waste.

Have you noticed the blooms on the trees? The early flowers, such as Daffodils, Tulips, and Cherry blossoms. The grass  turning green.  

The earth, the ground that we stand on, the air we breathe, the life upon it and in it, is our responsibility. Ours to enjoy but also to be good stewards.

In return, we receive oxygen, food from plants and animals, summer rain, colorful views during Autumn, Crisp white blankets of snow during winter and gorgeous eye popping color of everything blooming the Spring.

Today let’s make a commitment to the Earth each and every day. Let’s give thanks to this big ball of blue spinning us around  at an approximate speed of 1,000 mph, without any of us spinning off or getting a speeding ticket! Thank you gravity~

Here is yesterday’s Daily Word for Earth Day-

Daily Word 4/22/2023

I am grateful for the planet Earth, my home, each time I behold the glory of my divine Source reflected in its wonders.

Scripture tells me God’s first commandment was dominion over the earth and its creatures. Dominion grants humankind the authority to use earth’s resources to create a more abundant life and gives each person the responsibility to help maintain a healthy environment for future generations to thrive.

If I am able, I may work with others to plant trees, care for gardens, or help keep a stream or park clean and free from litter. I bless the earth by making thoughtful choices, mindful of how my actions will affect our shared home.

Blessings on the Path,

With deep gratitude.....

Rev. Deb & Su