The Fourth Sunday of Advent, Joy, Su Podraza-Nagle

Midweek Faith Lift


Su Podraza-Nagle

December 27, 2023


How Much Joy is open to us?

 Affirmation: I feel joyous as I celebrate the birth of the Christ within. – Advent 2023 The Sweetest Christmas

In John 15:11 Jesus, our Master Way Shower and teacher said to his Disciples, “ I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”

Revealing Word- Joy is the happiness of God expressed through His perfect idea--man. Joy and gladness are strength-giving, especially if the mind is fixed on the things of Spirit.

Spiritual Joy-Hearing a message in words someone is speaking and it resonates with you

Many of you have watched a Christmas special that has this young boy, a cartoon character who walks around with a security blanket, who also spoke of joy and is taken from Luke 2:8-14. He looks at his friends and in part of his speech he says, “ "…….for behold, I bring unto you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

Just a small part. If we look at it metaphysically, we may understand this passage as:

Great happiness of Principle expressing through us, which shall be to all people. Born in you, Divine love individualized in human consciousness, it is the Christ Mind or the potential perfection in us. We will have a new state of consciousness, innocent, child like, but we may be confined to limitations of physical nature until we grasp our divine right given to us by Principle. Our Christ potential, the Truth of who we are. 

Great Happiness of Principle!!!

Say it with me, Great Happiness of Principle!!

The word Joy:

3 letters of the alphabet put together that are capable of bringing  up internally for many of us, wonderful memories, warm fuzzy feelings, and may even make our heart race a bit, and then, put a smile on our face. We experience joy when we feel connected and valued. Loved.

The outward appearance of joy may appear as we remember moments of our firsts;  First crush, first new pet, our  drivers license, first new home,  a new baby in the family, our very first job!

Joy may appear in our love of the arts, painting, music, sports, reading a book,  spending time with loved ones and or showing up for those in need.

Especially around this time of year, there are parties, secret Santas, caroling, family feasts, gift purchases, card mailings and children joyfully explaining to Santa and anyone that will listen, what they would like for Christmas.

Here in our own Unity family, there has been great joy. Weddings, Baptisms, or how about when you first came home to Unity of Ames? Joy so great that Spirit leaked. Tissues were passed and hugs were given.

How do we continue to connect with this joy within? We pray up. We pray affirmative prayers. We pray and affirm that which we know is our Truth.  Affirming our Christ consciousness within. Our true higher self.

Let’s pray up a little bit:

Be in a moment of quiet joy as I read,“A Family prayer for Joy” written by Laura Duksta.  

“Our family gathers to appreciate one another and the love, beauty, and abundance that surrounds us. With the gift of the present moment, we spark joy as we create, discover, learn, play, sing, and dance. Through life’s ups and downs, in both quiet and loud moments, knowing that we are embraced by God’s love, our hearts, church and home are filled with joy.”Amen

We also gift ourselves joy with self-care by taking time to meditate. Whether it’s a minute or 30 minutes, we give ourselves the wonderful gift of renewal time and sit in the silence. To connect, affirm and be present with the Christ within. The Christ abides in each person as his potential perfection We acknowledge our higher self , as it emerges to become the center of our consciousness. We acknowledge that divine spark of Light.

Now let me ask you, how many times have you denied yourself the joy of just be-ing because of the perception of time constraints, or perhaps old traditions which dictate that you must hurry, hurry, hurry? Need to get a job or task completed, or, and especially this time of year, need to decorate, wrap gifts, host parties, and even visit family and friends?

Gift yourself “joy” first. Complete your self-care first. Joy will follow. All of those “To Do’s” will become lighter, more fun, more filled with joy. Even watching the antics of that unique relative who is just left of center. You know the one. You will find that their joy, their moments of divine light, while perhaps quite different, will be joy filled. Share your joy with them. Be present. Wholly, divinely, joyfully, Christ centered and present.

James Dillet Freeman, was a Unity Poet laureate and past director of Silent Unity. He gives these gems of joy excerpted from his book, “The Hilltop Heart”

Joy is the sign, not of shallow thinking, but of deep faith. Anyone can give way to despair, but only those who have faith in life and love for life keep going when the way grows hard. Not those who resign themselves to sadness but those who keep faith in the good and continue to expect the good, in the face of what looks like certain failure and defeat, are those who win joy- for themselves and for humankind.

A happy heart may not assure you that you will have nothing to meet, but it does assure you of a happy heart to meet it.

Would you be joyous? Assume the posture of joy. Joy is dancing thoughts. Joy stands tiptoe at the top of the heart. Joy bounds for joyousness. Joy rushes to meet the object of it’s joy. Joy is action.

Would you be joyous? Be active. Put all you are into all you do. Live with the whole of you. Is the moment a great victory that you have dreamed of and labored for? Savor it. Is the moment a bit of passing sweet? Savor it no less.

Let’s sing our way into meditation and renew our happy, joyful  heart.



Great happiness of Principle, joy, as we sink in to our seats, and enjoy this moment of selfcare.

We breathe in and out ……….relaxing in this time of reflection ………

 Bring to your mind something that brings you joy………………visualize in detail as you are able………

Focus on this joyful moment………..allow yourself to fully experience the feelings.

Now allow this feeling  to grow within and expand within you… Spreading it through your body……..

Expand even more……outward… those with us today……….

As we expand our joy outward, let’s do so in the silence and delight in  the joy of others…….

In the silence…….

Great Happiness of Principle we are connected valued and LOVED!
